Natalie for Kuvings Meet Our Customers

Natalie's Story

In Natalie’s journey into becoming a holistic nutritionist and detoxification specialist, she discovered Kuvings. Since buying her Kuvings C7000 about 6-7 years ago, it’s held up like it’s still new.

Meet Natalie!

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Product She Uses: C7000
Favorite Juicing Ingredients: Oranges, beets, lemons, grapes, celery, ginger, mint

Health Scares

Growing up, I moved back and forth between Israel and the U.S. until eventually settling in the U.S. at 16 years old. I had the typical American diet of cereal, soda, and junk food. Around the time I became a young adult, I started experiencing indigestion, bloating, and stomach pain, among other symptoms.

At the same time, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. My family and I assumed her cancer came from her lifestyle or environment. As a family, we all led a similar lifestyle and lived in the same environment, so her cancer diagnosis made us scared for her and ourselves. My fear drove me to look for answers on how we could live a healthier lifestyle.

A New Lifestyle

Quickly into my research, I discovered the holistic approach, raw food diet, and juicing. I learned about the power of consuming fruits and herbs. I told my mom what I was learning and got her on board with adopting a new healthier lifestyle. I went on a raw food diet and bought a high-speed juicer the day after learning about juicing.

That juicer lasted me a decent amount of time, 2 ½ - 3 years, but it had its issues. The pulp wasn't dry, and it was hard to clean. The juice it produced had a short shelf life, barely lasting a day, so it lost its nutrients extremely fast. Since I was juicing for the nutrients, maintaining nutrients in my juice for as long as possible was crucial. I knew I had to get a new juicer.

Word of Mouth

While researching, I knew I wanted to get certified, so I enrolled in raw food chef school. There, my instructors taught me more about juicing and informed me and my classmates that we should use a juicer that does not generate heat to better preserve nutrients. An example of this was a huge cold press juicer at my school. My instructors knew that that type of juicer was not practical for home use, so they recommended getting a Kuvings slow juicer.

My instructors and classmates raved about Kuvings all the time and how much they loved Kuvings slow juicers. Through school, I was convinced that Kuvings was the best and that it was the only juicer brand I should be buying from. That led me to purchase the C7000.

Natalie using her Kuvings C7000

Why I Love My C7000

My priorities for a juicer are easy to clean, a nice design, a powerful motor, and the ability to make juice with a long shelf life. Kuvings has everything I need.

Some other features I love about my C7000 are how straightforward it is to use, how easy it is to assemble, and its high juice yield. I also have the citrus attachment and love using that as well.

I juice with my C7000 almost every day but juice more extensively when I go on juice fasts. My most recent juice fast was 22 days long and was only on watermelon. I would juice with the rind and all and had zero issues. The juicer is super easy to clean and store away; I can juice in bulk and know that my juice will stay fresh for up to 3 days. Juice fast or not, I’ve never had any issues with my juicer; it's held up very well.

Juicing's Benefits

Juicing has brought health benefits to me and those around me. I was completely healed from my digestive issues, lost weight, improved my skin, and felt stronger and more energetic. My mom eventually made a full recovery from cancer with the help of chemotherapy, surgery, and most importantly, a new lifestyle. She's now 17 years cancer-free! My husband once experienced heart pain. Rather than immediately going on medication as suggested by doctors, I helped him consume juice and herbs, and his pain went away naturally.

Juicing also allowed me to bond and be closer to my loved ones. I’m grateful that my mom trusted me to lead us on a health journey that eventually helped her recover. Juicing has become a family activity for me, my husband, and my kids. All of us love juicing. It brings fun and liveliness to my kitchen. My kids even help to clean my C7000 because it’s so easy.

Recommending Kuvings

As a natural health professional, I recommend juicing with a Kuvings to all my clients. I always tell my clients that Kuvings juicers are necessary if they want to take juicing seriously. They're so easy to use and will last forever. Many of my clients have purchased Kuvings slow juicers and say they love them.

I strongly believe in Kuvings because they’ve been around since the beginning, and I think everyone should know about their amazing juicers.

Health and personal well-being are the most important things, so if you don’t put effort into your health, you’re not going to be healthy.

Natalie produce shopping

Keep up with Natalie by following her on Instagram and TikTok, and check out C7000.

This testimonial was orated by a real customer and recorded in written form. Results and product experience may vary. This customer was compensated by Kuvings USA for her time, not for her opinions.