Burdock Root in 2 glass bottle and 1 cup between the roots and the juicer

How to Use Burdock Root in Juice Recipes

Burdock root has been used for centuries in natural medicine, and now there’s research to support its health benefits.

The root removes toxins from the blood, reduces inflammation, and contains a variety of antioxidants. Additionally, burdock improves blood circulation, which improves the skin’s appearance. Burdock has a slightly sweet, earthy flavor.

Preparing burdock for juicing is just like preparing any other root vegetable. You can peel the skin or just wash it very well. Cut the burdock into 6 inch pieces for easy juicing.

Here are three recipe ideas to incorporate burdock root into your juices. For these recipes you will need a Kuvings juicer, assembled with the juicing strainer.

Juicing Directions

  1. Wash the ingredients well. 

  2. Cut ingredients as needed to fit the juicer’s chute

  3. Juice the ingredients one piece at a time. Alternate between hard and soft ingredients for best results. 

1. Burdock Detox Juice

This combo includes antioxidant-rich ingredients that also help remove toxic particles from your bloodstream. 


  • 6 inch stick of burdock (Add another piece for a stronger flavor.)

  • ½ inch ginger

  • 2 fuji apples 

  • 3 kale leaves 

  • ¼ lemon

2. Burdock Cleansing Juice

This sweet digestive juice leaves you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Beets and apples, along with burdock, help remove toxins from your digestive tract. The burdock flavor adds interest to this traditional beet and apple juice pairing. 


  • 6 inch stick of burdock (Add another piece for a stronger flavor.)

  • 1 beet

  • 2 fuji apples

3. Burdock Hydration Boost

This light and refreshing juice is great for circulation and hydration. The taste is similar to an infused water beverage, but it’s more nutrient-rich due to its pure ingredients. 


  • 6 inch stick of burdock (Add another piece for a stronger flavor.)

  • 1 pineapple

  • 1 large cucumber

Don’t forget to tag us! Post your juice creations on social media and tag @kuvingsusa. We love to see what you make!